
Saturday, November 16, 2013

So Short story.... The saga of shotgun Deb..The stagecoach shotgun was your eyes, ears, & armed protection . I have all this & more with my little shotgun rider. You cant see or hear shit in the war horse with nose up stance & near open pipes, But the story is in all she has been thru, She has dealt with years of my suspended license while racing our way 2 no#1 points at 1 of the tuffest dragstrips. & was badly injured in a street race accident that she has never fully recovered from, years of therapy & braces & bed ridden, she still rides thru 150 mph blasts, hours of travel in bear bones rides thru extreme heat & cold. She has more sense than me, but still falls 2 the thrill of a thrill ride or race. She was so pissed at me when I was busted out of state 4 reckless driving. She could barely talk 2 me when I made it home. I had 2 help her walk at this time & kids were aged enough we could go out, so I took her out & we hopped around in the HORSE , while I tried 2 sooth her & talk my way back 2 her good graces, As we make peace & head back 2 the house we catch the last redlight on the way home. SOOO.. A yellow Vette pulls up alongside, no biggie except he's revving the damn motor.Damn he's a Ass. Deb gives me the look & starts with a flurry of fists 2 my arm, WHAT I AINT DONE NUT'N , He;s the ass revving the motor . Hell I dont know what happened the light hit green & its on, about 1000 ft. its settled , Man Iam mental here it comes, I look over slowly very slowly, She is shacking her head, but I detect a smile. Man she has her hand on my leg & I believe thats a good squeeze I feel, Yep she's lovin it. Yea I think I only do this shit 2 please her. (STORMIN & SHOTGUN)

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