
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sooo... Short Story. , They have been playing commercial ads 4 new jack-ass movie Bad grandpa Deb gives me weird looks & smirks, every time it plays. I do have a abundance of stories & always glad 2 tell 1 even in the wrong place, wrong time, & wrong person, Our 2 boys & there friends had 2 deal with plenty of them growing up. Deb often tried 2 stop me feeling I was encouraging them in the wrong ways, Of course this made the stories more desirable 2-B heard, Of course I put a good action adventure spin on them that tends 2 make a little more than it was. & of course my little Debbie Downer would put it all in proper perspective, with little comments like YEA & HOW LONG WERE YOU IN JAIL & HOW MUCH DID THAT 1 COST. O.K. but between the 2 of us telling it we got out a story with a lesson. So the points being our Grand kids are now 12 & 11 & I have a 2nd chance. She seems 2 think I should be a little more careful & think things Through better before I tell some of my stories, Huh its already 2 late & I have so much 2 share & show we have so much in common what with the age there at now, Hell just last week I shared the only known sure cure 4 hick-ups with them, U know the 1 U stick 1 thumb in your mouth & 1 thumb in your ass, every time U hick-up U switch them. I am just getting started there is so much 2 teach & share, & besides they still have GOOD GRANDMA 4 any damage control. (STORMIN) A.K.A. POOH POOH as the little rodents call me.

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