
Monday, July 21, 2014

Soo Short story...

We Took our 2 big-ole black dogs 2 the beach, one got car sick on the way. Soon as I opened the door he run;s 4 the shore line, A bunch a herkin-jerkin hack n & gagin & up comes the content's of his stomach in 1-big steamy pile. So we set out the chairs & sit back & as were watching people walk the shore line they stop 2 study this oddity , walking circles around it & giving it little pokes trying 2 analyze , WHAT THE HELL IS-IT. So this was about 20-30 mins. entertainment. & then a flock of seagulls (not the 80"s hair band) swoops in & clears the entire pile a little peck each & its gone in seconds. Sooo. now I'm inspired 2 the poetry of it all. I like the mourning Sunrise & love the evening Sunset, I like poetry, I like long walk's on the beach, for its there I get 2 poke dead things with a stick... (STORMIN)

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