
Monday, July 21, 2014

Soooo. Short story...

Soo ah growing up we use 2 pick up cheap running cars 4 -50 - -100 bucks, Cheap beaters near death but rolling, We treated them like their price tag. Little value. We still played it, except IT was now bumper-tag chasing each other till we could tag your car & pass IT 2-U .Most the time it grew more & more wild smashing the shit out of our beaters. & still driving the remains 2 work. When a car had IT. IT was custom 2- brick the gas pedal & finish IT-off. Sooo this lead 2 Dumping cars in the Barge canal with bricked gas pedal & dropping it in gear off the embankment, Sooo I did maybe 3 or 4 like this. Then had old Chrysler 300 convertible, perfect I'll put the top down load IT in gas Brick the gas, torch it as it rolls by & send it flaming airborne in 2 the canal. We got a good size crowd coming out 4 this 1. The poor old car took such a beating on the way out the radiator is leaking, its overheating, not running well, So dump 5 gal. gas on the interior, top down, Brick on gas Poke the old Chrysler push button in gear, Knock, knock , knock , barely rolling, its so overheated its trying 2 sieze up, Wait till it hits embankment & starts down hill roll 4 canal & throw torch 2 interior. The fumes have built up & it fireballs & I'm close enough 4 a face singe . the car just makes edge of water half in half out & burns. Soooo. not the spectacular fireball car shooting thru air in flames I hoped 4. But next time 4-sure. Sooo a friend stops by 2 show me newspaper article, Clearing cars blockin barge canal. REWARD 4 info. Sooo.. of course there;s a moral (CHOSE YOUR FRIENDS CAREFULLY) That the reward,

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